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Rebuild your Life

Make Peace with your Past 

 Attract The Future YOU Want Without Feeling Overwhelmed, Guilty or Unworthy


If you’re a woman experiencing the pain, loss and grief of widowhood  chances are you don’t want to be stuck in ‘that place’ forever… surviving is not THRIVING.

You matter!  You are worthy!  You are meant to have a life filled with purpose, hope and joy — starting TODAY.


"I'm never more courageous than when I'm embracing imperfection, embracing vulnerabilities, and setting boundaries with the people in my life."

--Brené Brown

Sometimes the first step in reclaiming your life is setting boundaries. Teach others how you need to be treated, without apology!  If you know what you want, but don't know how to say it, this free guide is for you!



  "I will go anywhere

as long as it is forward." 

-David Livingston 


There is no pattern or timeline to grief.  However, you will start to feel gentle nudges, thoughts or actions that make you feel more hopeful.  Start to uncover what you don't want and start creating healthy decisions toward what you do want.  Getting clear with a future that you hadn't planned on is difficult, yet necessary.  Healing takes one small step at a time.  You are not alone.  Let's move forward together!


Widowhood is a balancing act.  With  life, work, health, money, relationships and home, it is completely normal to feel overwhelmed, stuck, exhausted and hopeless.  Grief never goes away.  We learn to walk alongside grief as we find our best way forward.  You can do sensational things to create a future that is meaningful, fulfilling and joyful.   Choose to take charge of the things YOU can control.  It starts with YOU!

You are not alone!   So many fabulous people helped me through the darkest stage of my life and now it's time to play it forward! 


If you are ready, I’m all in!

You are absolutely worthy.


It is an immense privilege to help you re-set, re-imagine and re-claim the life that you desire. 

You are the only person that must be convinced of your impeccable worth, exquisite value and unique contribution to this world.  

With decisive action, clear boundaries, commitment to self care, and discovering your gifts, you will develop the focus that propels you forward toward your goals.

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You are absolutely worthy.

It is an immense privilege to help you re-set, re-imagine and re-claim the life that you desire. 

You are the only person that must be convinced of your impeccable worth, exquisite value and unique contribution to this world.  

With decisive action, clear boundaries, commitment to self care, and discovering your gifts, you will develop the focus that propels you forward toward your goals.

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Your circumstance does not define you! 

You are the main character in your story.  It is time to get off the sidelines and get back in the game.  

You have learned that time is precious.  Let's maximize the time and align it with your dreams, experiences and lifestyle.

Widows are the strongest humans on the planet.  You may not feel this now, yet when you do the work and put yourself first, there are limitless possibilities. 

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Girl, life is a do-over!

Why do we love second chances, root for the underdog or embrace the Cinderella story? 

When you are ready, I’m all in with you!   It is time to dust off that crown, wave that magic wand and do the work that unwraps the magic in your future.

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I've been in your shoes.

I became a widow at 39 while raising 5 children.  I spent years stuck in my grief and couldn't imagine a new life and didn't want to either.  But there came a time where my grief and sadness was no longer serving me or my family.  I had to let go of the pain, honor my sweet Jon's memory and start putting myself first.  So I started with ONE thing a day.  No more, no less but collectively it helped me physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.  

I invite you to imagine a future, with zero guilt and take ONE step with me.  I am rooting and supporting you to find yourself again.  That is where it must begin - YOU! 

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"Her skills, experience, and diversity make her my go-to person for professional advice."


I have known Kathi for 27 years.  As a mentor, teacher, and friend I look up to how much positive energy she has.  She knows how to light up a room, but also how to get business done. Kathi is such an inspiration and if you ever get the chance to have her as your coach to bring more happiness and positivity in your life, you’ve won the lottery, because I can’t think of anyone better to do the job.

-- Melody B. 

"Kathi has walked with me through personal and professional changes in my life with grace, kindness and wisdom."


She has the ability to speak from a place of experience, relate her world to mine and ask questions that really help guide me through life's changes.  I am so thankful to know Kathi and learn from her, as she has been an unbelievable gift to me and my family.

-- Kathy P.

"Kathi’s expert coaching helped me rediscover and create the life I was meant to live."


I was stuck after a hard divorce and couldn’t seem to move forward. Part mentor, teacher and gentle guide, Kathi helped me identify and take actionable steps to build a bright future - one full of joy, passion and purpose.

-- Sheila M.

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